Do you know the difference between an Active House and a Passive House?
Although they sound like opposites, they are actually very similar! Passive homes focus on high levels of insulation and air-tightness, allowing them to operate using up to 90% less energy. While Active Homes also aim to be energy efficient, they tend to focus more on the health and comfort of the structure’s occupants. To maximize the well-being of the occupants, Active Homes promote increased natural light and ventilation. This prevents them from being as well insulated as Passive Homes, so Active Homes typically require a renewable energy system such as solar water heaters and/or geothermal heat pumps to maximize energy efficiency.
This newly constructed modern home in Palo Alto can’t be a Passive House due to its lack of insulation/air-tightness, but it does have the potential to be an Active House!
This single-family home designed by Acadia Architecture presents a beautiful design with advanced functionality.
Regulated by our Messana mControls platform, this home’s climate-control system features:
- Messana Ray Magic® radiant ceiling panels to provide first-stage cooling and heating
- Messana mSense room comfort sensors
- Aermec fan coil used for second-stage cooling
- SpacePak buffer tank and heat pump
- GRUNDFOS pumps
- Belimo mixing valve
Additionally, this home receives an abundant amount of natural light via VELUX skylights which provide highly efficient daytime lighting, perfect for Active Homes. 🌱
Finally, with LaCantina Doors folding doors, these homeowners can also create a large open space to access their serene backyard. 🍃 ⛱️
📐 Architect: Davide Giannella
🔧 Installer: Hydronica
📍 Location: Palo Alto, CA
Would you rather live in an Active House or a Passive House? Let us know!