Finally, here are the mechanical room photos from the Laguna Beach project we posted about last week!
This home utilizes four macrozones, each with a dedicated hydronic system that uses a heat pump and buffer tank to provide heating and cooling via Price hydronic fan coils. Furthermore, the fan coils are tied into the mechanical ventilation ducts and use a zoning system to open and close specific zone dampeners to deliver optimal comfort exactly where it’s needed.
A separate hydronic system provides heating for the entire home via a radiant floor using a dedicated heat pump, buffer tank, and boiler! In the summer, the radiant floor is still used to keep the cold marble floor at a comfortable temperature.
In addition to the Aermec air-to-water heat pumps, a dedicated Mitsubishi mini-split is used to maintain a cool environment for the AV equipment stored inside the mechanical room.
This entire system is managed with Messana mControls, which integrates with the @savantsystems home automation system.
Installer: @adrianlzo and the team with Mayo Mechanical!
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