In order to provide radiant cooling without the risk of condensation, we use our mSense room comfort sensors to monitor several factors throughout every zone of a structure.
mSense room comfort sensors monitor operative temperature, relative humidity, and volatile organic compounds. Using operative temperature and relative humidity, we can monitor the dew-point temperature in every zone within a structure; and our controls can regulate the temperature of our radiant ceiling panels to ensure that the radiant surface temperature never falls below the dew-point temperature. Additionally, using the volatile organic compound readings, we can efficiently provide demand-driven mechanical ventilation to maintain excellent indoor air quality.
As shown in these photos, our mSense room comfort sensors can be installed within various materials including regular drywall, wood, and marble! mSense room comfort sensors are available in a white matte high-quality plastic polymer that can be painted to match your wall color. With our system, architects and designers have the freedom to develop their vision without having to incorporate large, unsightly thermostats that detract from the beauty of a space.